are you looking for an osteo in marcoola?

We’re not right there, though we are very close, being about 6mins north in Yaroomba Shopping Village. There’s a lovely coastal bike path you can take, it’s even on the bus line too. Give us a call on 07 5473 9300, book online or click here to find other ways to get in touch.

When you see an osteopath in Australia, you can expect a healthcare professional trained in the musculoskeletal system and holistic healthcare to assess and treat various conditions related to muscles, joints, and overall well-being. Here's what typically happens during a visit to an osteopath in Australia:

  1. Initial Assessment: Your first appointment with an osteopath usually begins with a thorough assessment of your medical history, current complaints and any relevant lifestyle factors. Osteopaths consider not only the specific issue you're seeking treatment for but also your overall health.

  2. Physical Examination: Osteopaths perform a comprehensive physical examination, which may involve observing your posture, assessing your range of motion, performing orthopaedic testing and palpating (using their hands to feel) various areas of your body to identify areas of tension, restriction, or dysfunction.

  3. Diagnosis: Based on the assessment findings, the osteopath will make a diagnosis and discuss it with you. They will explain the underlying causes of your condition and how it might be related to musculoskeletal issues, posture, or other factors.

  4. Treatment: Osteopathic treatment techniques vary depending on the individual and their specific condition but may include manual therapies such as:

    • Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT): This involves using hands-on techniques to manipulate, mobilize, or stretch muscles, joints, and soft tissues to restore proper function and alleviate pain.

    • Myofascial Release: Techniques to address fascial restrictions and muscle tension.

    • Stretching and Exercise Prescription: Osteopaths often provide exercises and stretches tailored to your condition to improve strength, flexibility, and posture.

    • Advice on Lifestyle and Ergonomics: Osteopaths may offer guidance on lifestyle modifications, posture correction, and ergonomics to prevent future issues.

  5. Follow-Up: Depending on the severity and nature of your condition, you may need multiple sessions for ongoing treatment and monitoring. Osteopaths typically collaborate with their patients to establish treatment plans and review progress during follow-up visits.

  6. Referral: If your osteopath believes that your condition requires further medical evaluation or a different type of treatment not within their scope of practice, they may refer you to an appropriate healthcare provider, such as a physician or physical therapist.

It's important to note that osteopaths in Australia are trained healthcare professionals and registered with the Osteopathy Board of Australia. They are authorized to provide healthcare services, including diagnosis and treatment and can work in collaboration with other healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive care for their patients. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment options.