neck pain & osteo treatment

Neck pain is another common complaint, some people may experience musculoskeletal pain in which muscles around the neck feel like they have become shortened and are tight. Other people can experience an acute torticollis after injury or simply after sleeping awkwardly.  This condition is very painful and often restricts range of movement of the head and neck. Other symptoms can include radiating nerve type pain down into the arms, pins and needles in the upper extremity and most commonly acute inflammation around the mid cervical spine and muscular spasms causing acute facet and joint restriction and extended tension around the upper torso.  

How can your Osteopath help?
The Osteopaths at myOsteo are familiar with diagnosing this condition and how to best treat the patient to give them significant relief quickly. We can help by:

  • Reducing muscular spasm in the neck and upper torso/back by increasing blood flow and circulation

  • Stretching surrounding muscles to restore movement and function of the neck.

  • Identify the restricted joints and mobilise them using various gentle and effective techniques to reduce pain, improve range of movement and hopefully prevent future acute episodes.

  • Improve head and neck fluid drainage 

  • Prescribe stretching exercises and education on best sleeping positions, pillow support and safe work ergonomics.